Have you been pressured to send a nude pic to your bf or gf? It can be hard to say no to someone you care about, even if it's something you don't want to do. Keep these things in mind when you are confronted with a nude pic request:
-Once you click the send button, there is no take backs! It's out there in the digital world forever!
-Even if they cross their heart and pinky promise not to show anyone, they might. It's totally out of your control once you send it.
-Nearly 1 in 5 sext recipients have passed along a sext to someone else, even if they have promised to keep it private.
-More than 50% of people who have shared a sext, have shared it with MULTIPLE people. Think about that, your nude pic could end up in the whole schools hands!
-If someone really cared about you, they wouldn't pressure you to do things you are not comfortable with.
If you are having a hard time saying no, try this:
Send them a callout card! It's a funny and totally anonymous way to let someone know that you're not into sending nude pics!
Test your skills on saying no to pic pressure with this cool game.
(Facts from athinline.org)