We usually think about hitting and physical things as abuse, but thats NOT the only form of abuse. These are often dismissed and ignored:
Making you afraid by using looks, actions or gestures
Smashing things
Destroying property
Abusing pets
Making and/or carrying out threats to hurt you
Threatening to leave, commit suicide, report you to the police
Making you drop charges
Making you do illegal things
Sexual Coercion
Manipulating or making threats to get sex
Threatening to tell your parents that you are having sex
Getting your drunk or drugging you to get sex
Telling you that if you really loved them you would do this for them
Making you feel like you owe them sex
You can’t control other people’s decisions and you’re not responsible for their actions. But you can make healthy choices for yourself. Telling someone what to wear is controlling. And even if you have a disagreement, it shouldn’t become a screaming match. If you or someone you know hears someone say they’re going to kill themselves, it’s time to tell an adult you trust or call the National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline: 1 (866) 331-9474 You have the right to make your own decisions about sex and your bf/gf shouldn't make you feel guilty about them.
(information from loveisrespect.org)