These websites have cool videos, facts, and other helpful information:
Love is respect has fun videos and relationship quizzes you can take to see how your relationship stacks up! This website also has a chat feature so you can chat live with a repesntative.
Got an iPhone? Get the Love Is Not Abuse app!The app is an educational resource that demonstrates the dangers of digital dating abuse and provides links to resources.
Break the cycle offers resources and information for anyone who is interested in helping to break the cycle of violence! You can request a speaker to come to your school!
That's not cool has a really cool feature that let's you create your own avatar right on the website! It aso has call out cards which are annonymous digital cards that you can email or facebook to safely give them a hint about what you think! Stop by and play one of their many cool games!
A Thin Line is a website created by MTV. You can draw your line to let everyone know not to cross it. Take a quiz to see how much digital drama you have in your life!Get the facts on sexting and other forms of digital disrespect!