Dating violence is not just about the abuser and the person being abused. It is a serious problem that effects everyone involved. There are three roles in dating violence:
Abuser: A person who physically, sexually, verbally, or emotionally hurts or attempts to control an intimate partner
Target: A person who is subjected to controlling behavior or hurt physically, sexually, verbally, or emotionally by a intimate partner.
Bystander: A person who is aware or suspects that someone is being abused in a dating relationship. The bystander may become aware of the abuse through the abuser’s or target’s actions or words.
A bystander does not have to witness the abuse; they simply have to know about the abuse. An active bystander should encourage the target to talk to someone who can provide help and guidance and offer their support. Bystanders can also talk to friends who are behaving abusively and express their disapproval or ask them to stop if they feel safe doing so. Studies show, that teens are more likely to confide in their friends than any other source.BE AN ACTIVE BYSTANDER! You can help make a difference.
(Adapted from, 2011)